Terms of use

Sparrows aims at researching aspects of teleworking.

Participants of the project will register their diary for a duration of several weeks with the help of electronic tools. A diary contains information about the period and location of activities and movements.

Since teleworkers (participants) can choose their times of work themselves, UHasselt-IMOB will not report information about individual private movements during the default working times to the company or to third parties.


  • It is normal that someone who works at home makes short trips during working hours (eg to get the children from school).

  • It is also normal that the working period does  not correspond to the official working hours in office.

  • Registration of these trips is important for the research to estimate effects on travel behavior. This is why they cannot be ignored when reporting.

  • To guarantee the privacy of the participants, individual time usage is not communicated to the company.

  • Aggregated information is made public (and so is also available for the company) only in case the aggregation guarantees the individual privacy.